Prof.dr. Edin Berberović

Edin Berberović

Fakultetska 1, 72000 Zenica
Bosna i Hercegovina

Tel: + 387 (0)32 44 91 20
Fax: + 387 (0)32 44 91 26




Biografija / CV


Područje istraživanja / Research interest:

  • Računarska mehanika fluida i prenos toplote / Computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer
  • Numeričke simulacije fizikalnih transportnih fenomena metodom konačnih volumena / Numerical simulations of physical transport phenomena with the finite volume method
  • OpenFOAM® softver / OpenFOAM® software
  • Energijska efikasnost i obnovljivi izvori energije / Energy efficiency and renewable energies

Predmeti / Courses:

Objavljeni članci / Recent publications:

  1. Berberović E.: Green agenda for climate neutrality and a review at the global level, 13th Research/Expert Conference with International Participations Quality 2023, Neum, Bosna i Hercegovina, juni 2023.
  2. Berberović E., Delalić-Gurda, B., Kadrić, D., Delalić, N.: Experimental and Computational Analysis of Air Flow in a Wet Cooling Tower with Forced Draft. In: Ademović, N., Mujčić, E., Mulić, M., Kevrić, J., Akšamija, Z. (eds) Advanced Technologies, Systems, and Applications VII. IAT 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 539. Springer, 2023.
  3. Berberović E., Bikić S.: Computational modeling of air flow in the cooling tower, 1st International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Mechanics and Engineering ICME2022, Mathematical Institute SANU, septembar, 2022.
  4. Bikić S., Radojčin M., Bukurov M., Pavkov I., Vraneš M., Papović S., Berberović E.: Density measurement of ionic bio fluid, Zbornik radova XXXIV Nacionalna konferencija Procesna tehnika i energetika u poljoprivredi PTEP 2022, Sokobanja, Srbija, april 2022.
  5. Berberović E.: Quality system in higher education in B&H – A review on the accreditation of higher education institutions, 12th Research/Expert Conference with International Participations Quality 2021, Neum, Bosna i Hercegovina, juni 2021.
  6. Berberović E., Bikić S.: Computational Study of Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of EG‐Si3N4Nanofluid in Laminar Flow in a Pipe in Forced Convection Regime, Energies, 13: 1-16, 2020.
  7. Berberović E., Jakirlić S., Schremb M., Tropea C.: Computational modeling of flow, heat transfer and phase change due to solidification of a supercooled water droplet impacting a flat substrate, ECCOMAS MSF 2019, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, septembar 2019.
  8. Berberović E., Bikić S.: Numerical analysis of heat transfer enhancement of EG-Si3N4nanofluid in forced convection laminar pipe flow, 1st International Conference on Nanofluids ICNf2019, Castelló, Španija, juni 2019.
  9. Berberović E.: Standard for verification and validation in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer, 11th Research/Expert Conference with International Participations Quality 2019, Neum, Bosna i Hercegovina, juni 2019.
  10. Berberović E.: Using open-source software OpenFOAM® with tensorial object-oriented approach in fluid dynamics simulations, 11th Research/Expert Conference with International Participations Quality 2019, Neum, Bosna i Hercegovina, juni 2019.
  11. Berberović E.: Numerical simulation of two-phase interfacial flows, Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 51-55, 2018.
  12. Berberović E.: Mesoscopic modelling of freezing of supercooled water, 21th International Research/Expert Conference Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology, Karlovy Vary, Češka Republika, septembar 2018.
  13. Berberović E.: Volume-of-fluid method for interface capturing in free-surface flow hydrodynamics in OpenFOAM®, 21th International Research/Expert Conference Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology, Karlovy Vary, Češka Republika, septembar 2018.
  14. Berberović E., Schremb M., Tuković Ž., Jakirlić S., Tropea C.: Computational modeling of freezing of supercooled water using phase-field front propagation with immersed points, International Journal of Multiphase flow, 99 : 329-346, 2018.
  15. Schremb M., Borchert S., Berberović E., Jakirlić S., Roisman I.V., Tropea C.: Computational modelling of flow and conjugate heat transfer of a drop impacting onto a cold wall, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 109: 971-980, 2017.
  16. Berberović E., Šikalo Š.: Computational Modeling and Simulation of Nonisothermal Free-Surface Flow of a Liquid Jet Impinging on a Heated Surface, Procedia Engineering 100 : 115–124, 2015.
  17. Šikalo Š., Berberović E.: Analysis of Droplet Deposition in a Vertical Air-Water Dispersed Flow, Procedia Engineering 100 : 105–114, 2015.
  18. Berberović E., Roisman I.V., Jakirlić S., Tropea C.: Inertia dominated flow and heat transfer in liquid drop spreading on a hot substrate, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 32 (4) : 785–795, 2011.
  19. van Hinsberg N.P., Budakli M., Göhler S., Berberović E., Roisman I.V., Gambaryan-Roisman T., Tropea C., Stephan P.: Dynamics of the cavity and the surface film for impingements of single drops on liquid films of various thicknesses, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 350 (1) : 336–343, 2010.
  20. Berberović E., van Hinsberg N.P., Jakirlić S., Roisman I.V., Tropea C.: Drop impact onto a liquid layer of finite thickness: dynamics of the cavity evolution, Physical Review E, 79 (3) : 036306, 2009.
  21. Roisman I.V., Berberović E., Tropea C.: Inertia dominated drop collisions I: On the universal flow in the lamella, Physics of Fluids, 21 (5) : 052103, 2009.
  22. Berberović E., Šikalo Š.: Evaluation of influence of leak flow rates on screw pump performance, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 10 (3/4) : 111–121, Zenica, 2006.
  23. Neimarlija N., Berberović E., Bijedić M.: Numerical analysis of the cooling tower performance, Transactions of FAMENA, 29 (2) : 45–54, 2005.
  24. Berberović E., Neimarlija N.: Numerical analysis of performance of cooling towers, International Journal of Engineering Modeling, 17 (3/4) : 115–119, 2004.



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