Prof.dr. Edin Berberović
Fakultetska 1, 72000 Zenica
Bosna i Hercegovina
Tel: + 387 (0)32 44 91 20
Fax: + 387 (0)32 44 91 26
Područje istraživanja / Research interest:
- Računarska mehanika fluida i prenos toplote / Computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer
- Numeričke simulacije fizikalnih transportnih fenomena metodom konačnih volumena / Numerical simulations of physical transport phenomena with the finite volume method
- OpenFOAM® softver / OpenFOAM® software
- Energijska efikasnost i obnovljivi izvori energije / Energy efficiency and renewable energies
Predmeti / Courses:
- Osnovi hidromehanike i hidrotehnike / Basic hydromechanics
- Pumpe, ventilatori i kompresori / Pumps, fans and compressors
- Računarsko programiranje za inženjerstvo / Computer programming for engineers
- Osnove matematike za inženjerstvo / Basic mathematics for engineering
- Energetski procesi i tehnologije / Power engineering processes and technologies
Objavljeni članci / Recent publications:
- Berberović E.: Green agenda for climate neutrality and a review at the global level, 13th Research/Expert Conference with International Participations Quality 2023, Neum, Bosna i Hercegovina, juni 2023.
- Berberović E., Delalić-Gurda, B., Kadrić, D., Delalić, N.: Experimental and Computational Analysis of Air Flow in a Wet Cooling Tower with Forced Draft. In: Ademović, N., Mujčić, E., Mulić, M., Kevrić, J., Akšamija, Z. (eds) Advanced Technologies, Systems, and Applications VII. IAT 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 539. Springer, 2023.
- Berberović E., Bikić S.: Computational modeling of air flow in the cooling tower, 1st International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Mechanics and Engineering ICME2022, Mathematical Institute SANU, septembar, 2022.
- Bikić S., Radojčin M., Bukurov M., Pavkov I., Vraneš M., Papović S., Berberović E.: Density measurement of ionic bio fluid, Zbornik radova XXXIV Nacionalna konferencija Procesna tehnika i energetika u poljoprivredi PTEP 2022, Sokobanja, Srbija, april 2022.
- Berberović E.: Quality system in higher education in B&H – A review on the accreditation of higher education institutions, 12th Research/Expert Conference with International Participations Quality 2021, Neum, Bosna i Hercegovina, juni 2021.
- Berberović E., Bikić S.: Computational Study of Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of EG‐Si3N4Nanofluid in Laminar Flow in a Pipe in Forced Convection Regime, Energies, 13: 1-16, 2020.
- Berberović E., Jakirlić S., Schremb M., Tropea C.: Computational modeling of flow, heat transfer and phase change due to solidification of a supercooled water droplet impacting a flat substrate, ECCOMAS MSF 2019, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, septembar 2019.
- Berberović E., Bikić S.: Numerical analysis of heat transfer enhancement of EG-Si3N4nanofluid in forced convection laminar pipe flow, 1st International Conference on Nanofluids ICNf2019, Castelló, Španija, juni 2019.
- Berberović E.: Standard for verification and validation in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer, 11th Research/Expert Conference with International Participations Quality 2019, Neum, Bosna i Hercegovina, juni 2019.
- Berberović E.: Using open-source software OpenFOAM® with tensorial object-oriented approach in fluid dynamics simulations, 11th Research/Expert Conference with International Participations Quality 2019, Neum, Bosna i Hercegovina, juni 2019.
- Berberović E.: Numerical simulation of two-phase interfacial flows, Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 51-55, 2018.
- Berberović E.: Mesoscopic modelling of freezing of supercooled water, 21th International Research/Expert Conference Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology, Karlovy Vary, Češka Republika, septembar 2018.
- Berberović E.: Volume-of-fluid method for interface capturing in free-surface flow hydrodynamics in OpenFOAM®, 21th International Research/Expert Conference Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology, Karlovy Vary, Češka Republika, septembar 2018.
- Berberović E., Schremb M., Tuković Ž., Jakirlić S., Tropea C.: Computational modeling of freezing of supercooled water using phase-field front propagation with immersed points, International Journal of Multiphase flow, 99 : 329-346, 2018.
- Schremb M., Borchert S., Berberović E., Jakirlić S., Roisman I.V., Tropea C.: Computational modelling of flow and conjugate heat transfer of a drop impacting onto a cold wall, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 109: 971-980, 2017.
- Berberović E., Šikalo Š.: Computational Modeling and Simulation of Nonisothermal Free-Surface Flow of a Liquid Jet Impinging on a Heated Surface, Procedia Engineering 100 : 115–124, 2015.
- Šikalo Š., Berberović E.: Analysis of Droplet Deposition in a Vertical Air-Water Dispersed Flow, Procedia Engineering 100 : 105–114, 2015.
- Berberović E., Roisman I.V., Jakirlić S., Tropea C.: Inertia dominated flow and heat transfer in liquid drop spreading on a hot substrate, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 32 (4) : 785–795, 2011.
- van Hinsberg N.P., Budakli M., Göhler S., Berberović E., Roisman I.V., Gambaryan-Roisman T., Tropea C., Stephan P.: Dynamics of the cavity and the surface film for impingements of single drops on liquid films of various thicknesses, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 350 (1) : 336–343, 2010.
- Berberović E., van Hinsberg N.P., Jakirlić S., Roisman I.V., Tropea C.: Drop impact onto a liquid layer of finite thickness: dynamics of the cavity evolution, Physical Review E, 79 (3) : 036306, 2009.
- Roisman I.V., Berberović E., Tropea C.: Inertia dominated drop collisions I: On the universal flow in the lamella, Physics of Fluids, 21 (5) : 052103, 2009.
- Berberović E., Šikalo Š.: Evaluation of influence of leak flow rates on screw pump performance, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 10 (3/4) : 111–121, Zenica, 2006.
- Neimarlija N., Berberović E., Bijedić M.: Numerical analysis of the cooling tower performance, Transactions of FAMENA, 29 (2) : 45–54, 2005.
- Berberović E., Neimarlija N.: Numerical analysis of performance of cooling towers, International Journal of Engineering Modeling, 17 (3/4) : 115–119, 2004.
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